What we do
How can any of us recover from illness or manage to stay healthy? What do any of us actually need to know...or do? The answer is that it's all a piece of work! Why? Because both medicine and healing are complex. Because making the right choices, and then sticking to them, is hard, and the rest of life keeps on happening and happening. Because our own limitations and foibles seem to keep rearing up. All of this is so and, yet…what matters more to any of us than a long and healthy life with clear cognition, mobility, and low pain?
It all comes down to two key principles:
- 1. Are we, as humans, learning what we need to know?
- 2. Are we doing what we need to do?
We must discover a clear direction and then actually do what it takes. I Wonder Doctor is about one lesson at a time. A single piece of information each week, and then just one step to take. One “aha” moment, followed by one “I can do that” decision. It can be done.

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