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Health Coach Sessions

"Creating Sustainable Change"

Why is it so difficult to achieve positive change when it comes to our health? At times, our hearts and minds are willing, but then we watch ourselves fall right back into the old patterns time and time again.

Maybe we already know what's right for us but we still struggle to implement new ways. And often it feels like every potential avenue leads back into the same hole where we started. So how do we motivate ourselves to climb out when everything we've tried is "one step forward, two steps back"? This is exactly the situation our health coaches are here to address.

We want real, actual change for you. We want to get to know you and work with your specific situation. To care about and understand what's going on in your life so that this cycle can be broken and success can be achieved. We're here to support you step by step to realize the changes you wish to make for yourself... and help you see that you can.

May you be successful.

What is a Health Coach?

A health coach is a support person assisting you in progressing toward your self-determined health goals. Through attentive listening and care our hope is to mobilize your own internal strengths in accordance with available external resources to create lasting sustainable change. In addition to the medical and dietary information and recommendations published online by i wonder, doctor, health coaches might also focus on other aspects of a person’s life in order to improve well-being. It is our hope that a commitment to our progressive sessions will support a natural development in your life towards self-enjoyment and self-care. In these sessions we will work together to create the clarity and foundation essential for such development: where you have what you need to make wise, informed, and intuitive decisions - for your own benefit.


What isn't a Health Coach?

A health coach is not a licensed Medical Doctor, and is not able to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. We are unable to prescribe any medications or render advice pertaining to existing prescriptions.

A health coach is not a licensed Registered Dietician or Nutritionist, and cannot offer individualized advice pertaining to nutrition.

A health coach is not a licensed Therapist and cannot diagnose or treat any clinical mental health conditions.

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