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""Creating Substainable change.""

The longer I'm alive, and the longer I practice medicine, the more acutely aware I’ve become of how precious life is and what jewels our bodies are.

There is a sea-change occurring in medicine: people are becoming aware that they must participate in the process and that their day-to-day, moment-by-moment, choices are the greatest key to a long and healthy life. The great news is that your body is resilient and it’s designed to rebuild itself. Reduce its burden and it will do wonders for you.

Doctors can be your allies…but, ultimately, you’re in charge. When something breaks, we doctors can help you fix it. Before it breaks, it’s up to you. Only you can learn what your body needs to be able to heal itself and only you can give it.

i wonder doctor, is about your curiosity, about the power of knowledge and about giving applicable, meaningful guidance. You can navigate medicine. You can improve your health. You can turn the corner on whatever it is you face. Your future health is unwritten.

Helping people find their way to this truth has been the greatest gift my career has given me. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to be a part of this project. May i wonder doctor help you to discover a new chapter in your life!


Daved Rosensweet M.D.

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